Network problem on the phone

ফোনে নেটওয়ার্ক সমস্যা হলে করনীয়, ফোনে নেটওয়ার্ক সমস্যা Network problem on the phone, মোবাইল সিম নেটওয়ার্ক সমস্যা?, আপনার ফোনের নেটওয়ার্ক দুর্বল?,
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Solve your mobile network problems in just two minutes

Mobile SIM network problem?

If your handset is old or slow, the Wi-Fi and SIM network will be strong but network problems will continue.

All the apps, web sites, online games including YouTube and Facebook need a lot of resources to handle everything, RAM, processor is used a lot more.

In that case, you can get into trouble if you do not use a good quality smartphone.

And if you use a lot of apps and use a lot of apps together, synchronize and download in the background, then the speed of the Internet is more likely to slow down.

Then you know that there are several factors behind slowing down the internet.  Again this is always the case if you are currently in a place where a lot of people have gathered together then it will be difficult to get the signal.

Concerts, sports, events, large gatherings, etc., when thousands of people gather in one place, the nearest cell tower is under network pressure.  And this greatly reduces the performance of the network.

Even if you live outside or inside the house and you are away from the nearest cell tower in your area, internet speed can be a problem.

If the weather is cloudy in the sky, there will be problems.

If you travel to a place where there is no 5G network, even 4G network is difficult to get, then you need to use only 3G even if your mobile supports 5G.

Then the speed of the internet will definitely work fairly well.

Wi-Fi network problem?

If your Wi-Fi is slow, check the connection of the Wi-Fi device. It is often seen that the Wi-Fi connection has accumulated dirt or there may be a loose connection.

Check it well, clean the dirt and make the connection. This may increase the speed.

If it still doesn't work, call the Wi-Fi office to report the problem.
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